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Monday 11 April 2011


This web site is called looking for job- starting your own business. This site is very helpful when you are trying to start your own business, it’s an Ontario government web site. It has information on how to start up your own business. It has knowledge about different industries you are trying to look into so you can tell if your field is doing good or not. It tells you how to go about getting all the licensing and permits you need to be able to start up. The website goes into detail about occupational health and safety and what you should know to keep your workers safe. It has resources for woman looking at starting their own business and the obstacles you have to overcome. They have different programs you can take to help get the best head start when opening up your own business. This website will give you a clear understanding of the process you have to go through in order to have a successful business. (“Ontario,” 2011)
This web site is called starting your own business. This site it directed to the younger of entrepreneurs trying to open a business. This site is very basic. It has a lot of questions to ask young entrepreneurs to ensure that this is really what they want to do. On the site you can find key information about business planning, marketing research, registration, financing, tax and patient, hiring and labor standards, importing and exporting, and how to manage your own business . It also has a link through a site that will help fund a year in new business and give you financing tips on how to manage your money. There’s also tips on how to use the Internet because the internet is a big part of daily life and should be directed in your business. It has a link to another site that will give you valuable information on how to run a small business, you can learn about the human resources, sales and marketing, financing, web design and technologies, the innovation, management and business evolution. This web site helps answer a lot of questions that young entrepreneurs may have in a concise manner. (“Youth Canada,” 2010)
This web site is called starting a business from the government of Canada entrepreneurs. This will give you tips on how to develop your business to make sure that you are informed and not rushing into anything. This site will also help you with finding the right name for your business and how to go about registering your business properly. It gives you advice on how to go about buying a business, whether it’s starting your own or going into a franchise. Also how to form a business organization in your business and gives you different advantages and disadvantages to consider. It gives you tips on how to finance and the different grants and loans that you can take advantages of when starting off. It will also help with your location and what area will work best with your company. This web site is very useful and has a lot of valuable tips and strategies you should take into consideration when starting your business. (“Canada Business,” 2011)
This web site is called starting a business. This is a service Canada web site with a lot of information about the startup process. This web site helps you build a business plan step by step on things you should consider and gives you templates and samples. This site also helps you with how to register your business with guidelines and resources and getting a business number. It goes into detail on how to hire staff and all the regulations you have to follow like pay, benefits, and labour standards. This site also helps you apply for grants to help support your business. This site also talks about the benefits given back to you if you are self-employed, how to register for employment insurance, and if you are able to access special benefits like maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate and care benefits. This web site is very helpful for people who might not have enough money to start their own business and programs they can enter to help support them. (“Service Canada,” 2010)
This website is called starting your own business from the working in Canada government. This site has a lot of insight when starting a business. You have different business categories to choose from like hair salon, convenience store, restaurant and more. This gives you a step by step plan on how to go about opening one of these choices, like all the regulations, what kind of financing you will need, how many employees you will need, etcetera. This site also has different languages that will give you helpful knowledge on how to start your business, for example If you are an immigrant and want to come to Canada and start up your own hair salon. This web site shows you step by step in the language you choose the right steps in order to make your business successful from financing to where to buy your products. There is a lot of useful information on the site as well as links to other helpful websites to help to prepare for the future. (“Working in Canada,” 2011)


Small Business Finance Tips. (2010) Small business finance. Retrieved March 22, 2011, from

Small business (2011) Canadian government money now. Retrieved March 30,2011, from

Business Guide (n.d.) Business planning. Retrieved March 28,2011, from

About (2011) The 4 d’s of a business exit strategy. Retrieved March 30, 2011,from

Industry Canada (2011, January, 12) Key small business statistics. Retrieved March 31,2011, from

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